
Author: Amandeep Ahuja

Connect, Collaborate and cumulatively solve business problems

Published by: The Times of India

With recent historic space missions and the announcement of the Emirates Mission to the Asteroid belt, opportunities for cutting edge space-tech start-ups are abounding in the UAE.

Published by: The Times of India

As per a recent report, the UAE’s medical robotics market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 14.2%, reaching USD 182 million by 2025, with a sizeable demand coming from Dubai.

Published by: The Times of India

Dubai is emerging as an ideal testing ground for sustainable and climate-resilient tech advancements in the critical agricultural sector. Dubai’s emergence as a hub for Agri-tech innovation, driven by its

Published by: Asia Power Watch

As the global landscape enters a “world between orders” and superpower rivalries multiply, businesses will have to navigate an increasingly complex operating environment and supply chain uncertainties. After introducing the

Published by: Asia Power Watch

Recently, the British PM hopeful Rishi Sunak joined the chorus of leaders blaming China for every evil in the world. He spoke about shutting all the Confucius Institutes in the

Published by: The Economic Times

There has been significant global attention on how the Russian invasion of Ukraine has changed the post-Cold war global order

Published by: Asia Power Watch

China’s new domestic land border legislation has somehow not garnered as much widespread attention in India as it should have. The law provides semblance to the disparate pieces of the

Published by: CNBC TV18

The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (the Quad) is in the news once again with the visit of high-ranking US officials to Asia this month – most particularly Secretary of state Anthony

Published by: CNBC TV18

In the past few years, the Taliban has shown itself to be the only power capable of establishing control in parts of Afghanistan. The US saw this ‘writing on the

Published by: CNBC TV18

Developments of the past few weeks have highlighted the push and pull that will be a part of the disruptive global transition from ‘dirty’ to clean energy. In June, two

Published by: The World Financial Review

The US and some of its allies are drawing red lines for China’s conduct in the global arena – through internal efforts at industrialization, technological innovation, politico-social reforms as well

Published by: The Hindu Business Line

Since President Joe Biden assumed office in the US, there has been a flurry of activity around China. US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and Defence Secretary Austin recently concluded

Published by: Asia Power Watch

The messages coming out of the annual grand National People’s Congress (Chinese parliament held in the first week of March) are clear – China is taking the path of more

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